Considerations for an Ethanol Extraction Lab

Considerations for an Ethanol Extraction Lab

This is the foundational white paper for entrepreneurs evaluating their options for manufacturing concentrates.  It’s been read by over 3,500 professional extractors, including by the industry heavyweights in the U.S. and Canada.  Here @Photon_Noir and his team synthesize decades of learning into a digestible format.  

After reading “Considerations” you’ll be empowered to:

  • Detail to your investors and business partners why Ethanol is the preferred solution vs. CO2 or Hydrocarbon extraction
  • Explain budgetary and timeframe considerations in plain language; and
  • Employ specific language around efficiency economics for ethanol extraction; and
  • Understand the regulatory status and safety considerations for using ethanol; and
  • Share a general overview of the  process steps from biomass to isolate; and
  • Speak intelligently on ethanol sourcing, heating/cooling, drying, milling, the centrifuge step, polishing and filtration, evaporation, vacuum ovens, distillation and chromatography; and
  • Incorporate important considerations into plans for establishing a permitted and operational lab.

“Considerations” includes a handy glossary and it’s been a reference Bible for lots of industry pros.  

Our whitepaper series creates an opportunity for us to have a dialogue.  To share thoughts, hypotheses, and potential solutions to the challenges and opportunites we face every day.  We invite you share your views, questions, and critiques with us.  We know we’re not the only experts - we appreciate your expertise, ideas, and candor. The responsibility of building the future of this industry lies with all of us together.

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